Publication Date: Oct 9, 2012
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
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My Rating:

Synopsis: Empath and Pathcrosser to the dead, Lillian Hunt has finally come into her own as a Sentient being. All seems well in her brave new world...that is, until a tragic turn sends her tight-knit Sentient group on a rescue mission through lore-infested Europe. Their goal is to save the love of Lily's life—vampire Sentient, William Maddox—from both the prejudice of their own society and the dark intentions of ancient vampires. But how will they keep hope alive, even as time runs out? (SOURCE)
Circle of Light is book three in the Light trilogy. I've been anticipating it's release for some time. I can't confirm or deny that I fangirl a little over Jennifer DeLucy and have talked to multiple people, telling them they need to read these books. They're not just another vampire story. They are so much more than that. The characters are well rounded and the plot is in-depth and interesting. She's created her own world. A world I really love.
In Circle we get all the stories wrapped into a nice, neat package. With a pretty bow on top. I especially enjoyed that, because often in a trilogy or series, the other characters fall to the wayside. I get why that is, but getting to see closure for everyone was a nice surprise.
I spent the bulk of the book swooning over Christian and Nicole, William and Lilly, and enjoying the other members of the household. Even the minor characters were a fun addition. Except maybe Judy Lynn (oh, you'll learn about her). I wanted to shove her off a cliff *smiles sweetly* She definitely brought the drama. But the thing is, the drama wasn't forced or overly used. There wasn't a sense of it being thrown in just to get us from point A to point B. It was solid and interesting.
I love how there's such a clear picture of how the Seers and Sentients live their lives. It gave me the feeling of being their friend, of being a part of their world. One of my favorite things a book can do for me is take me to another time and/or place. Circle of Light did that with ease. It was, in a word: superb. I'm actually sad to see this trilogy end but this last book made me warm and fuzzy.
I highly recommend the trilogy if you are looking for a twist on the usual paranormal or supernatural. You won't be disappointed. You can even enter to win a copy here.
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