If you're an author and think I should check out something please feel free to let me know. I go through phases on what I read. Below is a list of things most common.
I'm just going to go ahead and rate myself as Not Safe For Work or Not Safe For Anyone Under the Age of 18. I read a lot of smut.
I'll read almost anything and I'm always looking for something new to pick up. I have a little bit of an obsession with buying new books every weekend... which has led to stacks and stacks of to-be-reads. I'm a book hoarder, trying to keep the entire print book industry afloat with my own two hands, it would seem.
Any and all combinations of the following:
Adult and YA
-Chick lit
I will give nearly everything a chance; I read a lot of self published and indie/small publisher stuff. I will read former fanfiction that has been pulled to publish as well as BDSM. Seriously, when I say I'll read anything, it's true.
If there is something you think I might be interested in, shoot me an email and I'll check it out. All of the books I have reviewed [unless otherwise specified] have been purchased by myself or given to me as a gift. I post honest reviews because I am, in the end, doing this for myself and others that enjoy reading. Thank you for stopping by!!