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Thursday, March 7, 2013

{Review} conTEXTual roMANce by Killian McRae


conTEXTual roMANce by Killian McRae

Publication Date: July 1, 2012
Publisher: --
Author Twitter - Author GoodReads

My Rating:
Two and a Half Stars

Summary: Following a bad marriage and an even worse divorce, Katherine Beck was positive that she was through with love, but it's not over tilda it's over. As notes from a secret admirer move from email to text messages, Katherine finds herself falling head-over-bytes for the enigmatic ShyTextMan one character at a time. (SOURCE)

I actually read this as fanfiction originally but I'm always curious to see the differences of a former fanfic. Sometimes they are drastic, other times not. This is one of the 'not' times.

It's a really cute, short story but it did have some spots that needed editing for typos and such. But really, I'm all about some typos myself so it didn't distract me too much but if you're a stickler about that, it might get under your skin.

As someone that texts a lot, in particular, a significant other, you'll probably smile while reading CR. There's a lot of flirting, a smidgen of 'mystery' in the form of the secret admirer, though I'm sure you'll figure out who he is quickly.

Overall, conTEXTual was a sweet story I enjoyed re-visiting.

These are my personal observations and thoughts regarding this book. Any and all books blogged about here are paid for with my personal money unless otherwise specified within the review. If you have questions please feel free to contact me.

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